Post Chemo Post: When Your Dr Martens Outlive Your Relationships
Ladies and gentleman it is true, your Dr Martens will pprrrrobably outlive some of the relationships you previously thought were solid as a rock. Just goes to show these boots are everrrthang. Lets start this with the old saying...I am not crazy.... and anyone who has 'drifters' will probably agree with me too. What are drifters I hear you ask? Well my trusted readers, those are the people who you thought would be there for you whenever you needed or night. Don't get me wrong, the strong ones will hang around like a bad smell you somehow... oddly enough WANT around, and they will ultimately be given the title 'forever friends'. Been on holiday together ...check....made music together....check....fought cancer with me...check! #relationshipgoals are met by your significant other and your 'forever friends' but #drifters is now the ugly new trend. When I was first diagnosed, it was so hard to digest the fact that I had cancer. M...