The 1 minute Genius Scarf Tying Tutorial Using Dobby's Sock

So being bald is great an all, gives me a real edgy mod/rocker look...which I love but there are days where I can feel the BREEZZEEE baby!

Wearing a scarf is a great way of keeping the chill away and if you do have hair, it is a great way of keeping it up, out of your face, and if you had no time to wash it..... hide it....

It is also a nice way of wearing a scarf that is stylish and chic. I for one look like your typical cancer patient when I tie it at the back, and I seem to get more looks then when I'm rocking my bald head.
No offence to people who like tying it like that, you may not have the energy to which I completely understand, but being young and very much into fashion, I had to find a way that made me feel and look good.

A beautiful friend of mine Welly, who is designing scarves for my charity 'Wigs for Heroes', had a great way of tying her head scarf which I adopted for my bald head by using Dobby's sock.

I hope you enjoy the tutorial :)

Over and Out 




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