A Moisturising Routine For My Dry Chemo Skin
During chemo most people will tell you how harsh it can be on your skin. I for sure have experienced these side effects as many women have too. Chemotherapy kills all the fast growing cells, this includes, hair, skin and nails. Sadly its all part of the bullcrap process, but things will improve after treatment is over. I have 4 more rounds of chemo to go, so counting down the days girl! One of the big issues for me is dry skin. I experienced this so quickly into chemo, even after the first round! I remember waking up and seeing dry, thick flakes on my forehead, chin, and nose! I'm melting! I'm Melting! Some of the other skin reactions include: increased sensitivity to sunlight changes in skin colour changes to nails acne like rash itching It is so important to keep your skin in tip top shape, so when this nightmare is all over, you'll have soft, smooth, healthy and nourished skin and will thank yourself for supporting your skins well b...